Head Start
Hammond Early Head Start
Head Start depends on parents and relatives to volunteer with their children and within the classrooms. We encourage parents and family members to stay involved with their center on a weekly if not daily basis. Not only is this beneficial to Head Start, but it also poses a positive example for children to lead lives of purpose in the community.Family friendly events throughout the year include Literacy Night, Sweetheart Lunch (Valentine’s Day), and a Mardi Gras Parade with the classrooms. We also host a ceremony at the end of the year in which each child is recognized.
Other important facts about Hammond Head Start:
Head Start is a free service.
We provide breakfast, lunch and snack daily for children.
Our center has an outdoor learning area which encourages playing in nature.
Children experience all facets of education such as reading, writing, art, science and math.

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Hammond Early Head Start

Hammond Early Head Start
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