Child Care
Montessori & Me
We are firmly committed to Dr. Maria Montessori’s method of learning. This approach strives to bring out the very best in each child with activities that arouse interest and encourage further exploration. The environment is always prepared, ready, and inviting for the young child. We believe that each child has the right to self-chosen work and to experience success as defined by the child, not the adult. We believe also the child’s self-image is extremely fragile and must always be treated with utmost care. Our vision is not for the short-term, but rather to prepare the child for a life-long love of learning. To coerce a child into an activity that he or she is not ready for is a temptation every good Montessori teacher is bound in conscience to resist. Our program is for the benefit of the child, the interest of the child, the needs of the child, and his or her future academic success. Our goal is to ensure that the young child learns that completing a task is a reward in itself.

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Montessori & Me

Montessori & Me
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Quality Star Rating